Hunting - 2006
(10/19/2006) Turkey - Bow Here
are the pose and damage inflicted shots.
I'll link out to the damage shots, in case people prefer not to see them.
Diablo 65#
RadialX STL 200s w/Blazers
NAP Spitfire 100gr (NOT Gobbler Getter's)
VBG Triangle sight
Whisker Biscuit DX QS
G5 Peep
time, I took no chances in wounding a bird.
I aimed at mid neck and figured I would get a kill or a clean miss.

Neck Shot 1 / Spitfire
Neck Shot 2 / Spitfire
Neck Shot 3

dont have the knack of displaying my bow naturally in the trophy
shot yet.

(10/03/2006) 4 Point Buck - Bow
save people on dial-up, I am going to link to most of the pictures.
After careful CSI type analysis of the scene, this is what we guess.
After recovering what was left of the deer and finding the entrance and exit
wounds, we saw that the shot was just about perfect height from the back of
the shoulder. Now, I distinctly remember trying to hit a little lower, which
with the blood, made me think I hit the heart or arteries (but you guys said
arteries would spurt). Once we got out of the woods, we thought about the shot
as we had looked at it in the morning before we started tracking.
relooking at the spot where the deer bucked and ran off, we are
guessing he took a step forward and down as I released. The ground
here is wet from a torrential Friday rain, and it was obvious
in that section there were some hoofprints and then his deeper
JUMP prints. So, if he had not stepped down, I probably would
have had good alignment and been in the bottom of the lung on
the near side.
He was also slightly quartering towards me, which is was also shown both in
the prints and in the entrance and exit. When I drew and was releasing he had
been broadside, so we think he dropped his 'stand side' leg as he stepped forward,
and the hoof prints show a little spread there as well.
Just before I started my tracking last night I jumped on the PSE board and
read their Guide:Tracking
wounded deer by Woody Williams, and tossed some toilet paper in my
pack as my neighbor and I went to track. That toilet paper saved the day.
This morning we were able to follow really obvious squares of toilet paper
(and some scraps when I started to run out) right back to where we had
left off the night before. I'm buying some flag tape soon. The rain would
have ruined the TP, but it held off.
we got back to the last marking, we looked around a while for
more blood and there was just none to be found. So, using the
last 3 markers as a guide (each about 12 years apart), I started
down the most obivious trail (which was not 'obvious' at all.
But, I was trying to think like a deer. Dad went out ahead and
using my voice as a guide, while I stilled squat walked looking
for blood, he started doing half circles out in front of me checking
the trail from side to side. About 50 yards from the last marker
(about 150-200yds total), we found the deer. Coyotes has eaten
just about every single part.
and BROADHEAD - Entrance and Exit
There was a pretty good entrance wound and a sizable exit.
The arrow went in the ribcage, and the exit was just behind the ribcage.
There was no bile, or mucus on the arrow at all, and the blood was dark red.
It 'might' have clipped the stand side lung, but the material on my Montec
has got to be Liver.
Not having BowHunted a deer before, I was not sure what I was looking at at
the time.
Trophy Pictures: